Returns a list of Members in a organization network
Returns a list of Members in a organization network
Path Parameters
Unique identifier of the network
Unique identifier of the organization
- 200
- 401
- 429
- 500
Detailed information of the specified organization Network Member
- Array [
- ]
- 0 - Offline: The connection is not established
- 1 - Relayed or DirectLAN: The connection is either relayed or direct within a LAN
- 2 - DirectWAN: The connection is direct over WAN
Node identifier
Unique user identifier
Network identifier
Timestamp of last seen
Online status
Deleted status
Name of the user
Address of the user
User creation time in milliseconds since epoch
Active bridge status
Authentication expiry time
Authorization status
List of capabilities
User identity information
IP assignments
Last authorized credential
Type of the last authorized credential
Timestamp of the last authorized time
Timestamp of the last deauthorized time
No auto-assign IPs status
Object type
Remote trace level
Remote trace target
Revision number
SSO exempt status
Tags associated with the user
Major version number
Minor version number
Protocol version number
Revision version number
External ip address of the user
peers object[]
List of peers
Address of the peer
Bonded status
List of paths
Role of the peer
Tunneled status
Version of the peer
Major version of the peer
Minor version of the peer
Revision version of the peer
Possible values: [0
, 1
, 2
Connection status Possible values:
"nodeid": 0,
"id": "string",
"nwid": "string",
"lastSeen": "2025-02-21T19:41:25.487Z",
"online": true,
"deleted": true,
"name": "string",
"address": "string",
"creationTime": 0,
"activeBridge": true,
"authenticationExpiryTime": 0,
"authorized": true,
"capabilities": [
"identity": "string",
"ipAssignments": [
"lastAuthorizedCredential": "string",
"lastAuthorizedCredentialType": "string",
"lastAuthorizedTime": 0,
"lastDeauthorizedTime": 0,
"noAutoAssignIps": true,
"objtype": "string",
"remoteTraceLevel": 0,
"remoteTraceTarget": "string",
"revision": 0,
"ssoExempt": true,
"tags": [
"vMajor": 0,
"vMinor": 0,
"vProto": 0,
"vRev": 0,
"physicalAddress": "string",
"peers": [
"address": "string",
"isBonded": true,
"latency": 0,
"paths": [
"role": "string",
"tunneled": true,
"version": "string",
"versionMajor": 0,
"versionMinor": 0,
"versionRev": 0
"conStatus": 0
"nodeid": 1,
"id": "abcdef01234",
"nwid": "8056c2e21c000001",
"lastSeen": "2023-12-09T12:06:24.529Z",
"online": false,
"deleted": false,
"name": "John Doe",
"address": "abcdef01234",
"creationTime": 1702110030561,
"activeBridge": false,
"authenticationExpiryTime": 0,
"authorized": false,
"capabilities": [],
"identity": "abcdef0123:0:abcdef0123abcdef0123abcdef0123abcdef0123abcdef0123abcdef0123abcdef0123",
"ipAssignments": [
"lastAuthorizedCredential": null,
"lastAuthorizedCredentialType": "api",
"lastAuthorizedTime": 1599853637989,
"lastDeauthorizedTime": 0,
"noAutoAssignIps": false,
"objtype": "member",
"remoteTraceLevel": 0,
"remoteTraceTarget": null,
"revision": 3,
"ssoExempt": false,
"tags": [],
"vMajor": 1,
"vMinor": 12,
"vProto": 12,
"vRev": 2,
"physicalAddress": null,
"peers": {
"address": "abcdef01234",
"isBonded": false,
"latency": -1,
"paths": [],
"role": "LEAF",
"tunneled": false,
"version": "1.12.2",
"versionMajor": 1,
"versionMinor": 12,
"versionRev": 2
"conStatus": 1
"nodeid": 2,
"id": "abcdef01235",
"nwid": "8056c2e21c000001",
"lastSeen": "2023-12-09T12:06:24.529Z",
"online": false,
"deleted": false,
"name": "my-awesome-phone",
"address": "abcdef01235",
"creationTime": 1702110030561,
"activeBridge": false,
"authenticationExpiryTime": 0,
"authorized": true,
"capabilities": [],
"identity": "abcdef0123:0:abcdef0123abcdef0123abcdef0123abcdef0123abcdef0123abcdef0123abcdef0124",
"ipAssignments": [
"lastAuthorizedCredential": null,
"lastAuthorizedCredentialType": "api",
"lastAuthorizedTime": 1599853637989,
"lastDeauthorizedTime": 0,
"noAutoAssignIps": false,
"objtype": "member",
"remoteTraceLevel": 0,
"remoteTraceTarget": null,
"revision": 3,
"ssoExempt": false,
"tags": [],
"vMajor": 1,
"vMinor": 12,
"vProto": 12,
"vRev": 2,
"physicalAddress": null,
"peers": {
"address": "abcdef01234",
"isBonded": false,
"latency": -1,
"paths": [],
"role": "LEAF",
"tunneled": false,
"version": "1.12.2",
"versionMajor": 1,
"versionMinor": 12,
"versionRev": 2
"conStatus": 1
Unauthorized access, indicating that the request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource.
A message detailing the reason for the unauthorized status.
"error": "Unauthorized: API key is missing or invalid."
API key is missing
"error": "Unauthorized: API key is missing."
API key is invalid
"error": "Unauthorized: API key is invalid."
Rate limit exceeded, indicating that the request was not accepted because the application has exceeded the rate limit for the API.
A message detailing the reason for exceeding the rate limit.
"error": "Rate limit exceeded. Try again in X minutes."
Example response for rate limit exceeded
"error": "Rate limit exceeded. Try again in 1 minute."
Internal Server Error, indicating that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
A message detailing the unexpected condition encountered by the server.
"error": "Internal server error. Please try again later."
Example response for an internal server error
"error": "Internal server error. Please try again later."